13 August 2008

Mt Adams Pool

The Mt Adams Pool is an older, smaller pool, with an integral kiddie end. It is up behind the Playhouse Parking Garage, and is a very quiet pool compared to the other CRC pools because it is mostly adults. Making this a sprayground as is planned, would not suit these users, so a Mt Adam's group is lobbying to save this little oasis. We go there because it is one of the only CRC pools open on Sunday.

Pool Entry:

Pool view from entry:

The cool clean water:

Pool and pool house:


Unknown said...

Brings back great memories from my waitressing days in Mt. Adams. We'd go to this pool on our afternoons off. :>)

CityKin said...

Although families do use the pool, it is unique among the public pools for attracting more adults than kids. I noticed last time we went that over 100 people had signed-in so far that day, but that we were the first ones to sign on the page for 7-12 he olds.

Matt said...

I've never actually seen it, but have always known it was there - thanks for the pics.

As an aside, it's really strange how many kids have their hands up by their faces at the same time (in the third picture).