24 August 2008

Biden Supports Rail

...Biden commutes back-and-forth from Delaware to Washington regularly on the Acela, so he appreciates what high-speed rail can do. What’s more, Wilmington recently lost its scheduled air service making Delaware a plane-free state that depends on rail for its connectivity. ... he’s still one of the best friends rail has in the Senate. Beyond that, Biden’s son sits on the Amtrak board and unlike some of Amtrak’s leadership (which besides Biden is heavily dominated by Republicans) is actually a forceful advocate for Amtrak and for improving rail.


VisuaLingual said...

Wow, a plane-free state!

Matt said...

That's welcome news, though I still think privatization will probably win out (if rail ever happens again).

CityKin said...

I don't care who runs it, as long as we get some other inter-city transport options.

Matt said...

I agree.