Here are a bunch of photos I took yesterday when I got into the new SCPA. The event was a thank you reception for Norma Petersen, a woman who has been involved with SCPA since 1973, and who worked with Eric Kunzel to realize this dream of a new School for the Creative and Performing Arts nearer to Music Hall.
This building is a culmination of years of dedicated work, fundraising, meetings, etc... Although I think the building design has some serious flaws, I think it will be a fantastic place for learning, and I would love for my kids to attend here.
View of parking lot from 12th and Race
How the building meets the sidewalk at Race and Central Parkway. Some architects cannot unlearn their suburban instincts. They cannot draw a building right up on the sidewalk, proud, where it should be, instead they must have some grass and shrubbery. Why???
How the building meets the Central Parkway sidewalk:
Approaching the entry. Better:
The entry behind these blocks:
What you see when you enter. A welcome desk to the right, theater entrance off screen to the left, and a very wide hall with glass facing the park straight ahead
The entry hall, with floating sculpture by artist Jessie Henson, who grew up in OTR on Orchard, and is an SCPA grad
Welcome desk inside and outside of glass:
Hallway around the theater at Elm and Central Parkway:
SCPA Chamber Orchestra playing Vivaldi in the theater. A nice performance space:
The theater:
Looking East out of a classroom window:
View of parking and OTR from cafeteria:
The view from this lobby towards City Hall and St Peter in Chains is excellent. One of the best things about the building is some of the views of the surrounding historic buildings. This is a nice space:
Dance studio. Yellow glass tints the room in the evening:
Chemistry lab with windows facing downtown:
Under the entry canopy looking south:
architectural folly:
no signature building these days is complete without some titanium:
at the front entry along Central Parkway:
How the corner of Elm and Central Parkway is demarcated. At least it is not with shrubbery:
The Elm Street elevation, mostly blank wall of the theater and gym:
More Elm Street elevation, approaching 12th Street:
This is what faces the corner of 12th and Elm where the Drop Inn Center is, and Music Hall is this way too:
This is the incompleted back entry, which faces Washington Park:
Visually interesting. This is kindof a courtyard surrounded on two sides by the "L" shaped building:
Across the street, the 1132 Bar, known to regular's as Carl's.