...After (removing) about 12 posters, I was approached by Jerry The Peddler, an East Village fixture, political activist, organizer and general hustler for the antiwar movement. He asked what I thought I was doing, and I showed him the poster and explained that it was hate speech and shouldn’t be tolerated. He acknowledged that I was right — it was hate speech, and, he added, “I hate Yuppies.” I told him he had no right to call for their death, as I reached to take down another of his hate-filled posters. He grabbed my left hand — technically an assault — and bent my finger back. “I’ll break your fingers, so that you’ll never play guitar again, and if I see anymore of these posters down…I’ll kill you,” he said. You know the look of hate, and he had it in his eyes.-Bobby Steele (gutarist for The Undead and The Misfits)
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
I came across this in the nytimes today.
^powerful images
Wow, Bobby Steele is almost as old as my parents but sounds as immature as the Misfits did almost 30 years ago. Not to side with the "antiwar hustler," but Steele's delusional attitude, verbal bravado, and seeming sense of entitlement were a lot more becoming of a young punk than they are of a post-middle age musician.
I think the immaturity on both sides is stunning, especially 20 years after the original protest. But I agree, it is especially distasteful from the winner with the money.
Pot, meet kettle...
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