News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
First Annual Fantasy Fest
Sat, Oct 3 Noon to 11pm, Mainstrasse, Covington, KY
The Festival hopes to attract families to visit the Village, hunt for the decorated doors, explore local merchants, enjoy free entertainment, and browse the art and craft booths.
Evening events are planned featuring the Fantasy Parade at 5:30 p.m. with unicycles, clowns, and stilt walkers, followed by the Razzamatazz Gala at Leapin Lizard, 8th & Main Streets. read more
The Festival hopes to attract families to visit the Village, hunt for the decorated doors, explore local merchants, enjoy free entertainment, and browse the art and craft booths.
Evening events are planned featuring the Fantasy Parade at 5:30 p.m. with unicycles, clowns, and stilt walkers, followed by the Razzamatazz Gala at Leapin Lizard, 8th & Main Streets. The Gala includes a benefit auction for the Baker Hunt Arts Center Scholarship Program.
Young became ill about two weeks ago, but didn’t seek care initially because she didn’t have health insurance and was worried about the cost, according to Brent Mowery, her friend and former roommate.
Mowery said Young eventually went to an urgent care facility in Hamilton where she was given pain medication and then sent home.
On Tuesday, Sept. 22, Young’s condition suddenly worsened and her roommate drove her to McCullough Hyde Memorial Hospital in Oxford, where she was flown in critical condition to University Hospital in Cincinnati.
“That’s the most tragic part about it. If she had insurance, she would have gone to the doctor,” Mowery said.
...“Teachers and researchers saw better behavior at and after meal time when it followed recess,”
...many districts curtailed or cut recess time to better deal with testing mandates from the No Child Left Behind Act.
...the recess reduction actually takes away from a child’s ability to function in a classroom.
...According to the study, teachers and researchers saw better behavior at and after meal time when it followed recess.
...The CDC, the United States Department of Agriculture, the National Food Service Management Institute and Action for Healthy Kids support the “Recess Before Lunch” initiative.
...“Finding time to engage in social interactions helps children better communicate, share and cooperate,” ...
....But Barack Obama, bourgeois in every way that bourgeois is right and just, will not dance. He tells kids to study--and they seethe. He accepts an apology for an immature act of rudeness--and they go hysterical. He takes his wife out for a date--and their veins bulge. His humanity, his ordinary blackness, is killing them. Dig the audio of his response to Kanye West--the way he says, "He's a jackass." He sounds like one of my brothers. And that's the point, because that's what he is. Barack Obama refuses to be their nigger. And it's driving them crazy.
It's about time.
The problem in the sustainability campaign is that a basic truth has been lost, or at least concealed. Rather than trying to change behavior to actually reduce carbon emissions, politicians and entrepreneurs have sold greening to the public as a kind of accessorizing. -Rybczynski in the Atlantic-
...the men's championship went to the Pohlar's Cafe team of Cincinnati (owned by the proprietors of a German beer garden), whose pitcher, Clyde Kirkendall, had pitched 127 consecutive scoreless innings (a record) earlier in the season.[where: 1432 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202]
.....Around the age of five, Alissa Rosenbaum's (aka Ayn Rand's) mother instructed her to put away some of her toys for a year. She offered up her favorite possessions, thinking of the joy that she would feel when she got them back after a long wait. When the year had passed, she asked her mother for the toys, only to be told she had given them away to an orphanage. Heller remarks that "this may have been Rand's first encounter with injustice masquerading as what she would later acidly call ‘altruism.’ " (The anti-government activist Grover Norquist has told a similar story from childhood, in which his father would steal bites of his ice cream cone, labelling each bite "sales tax" or "income tax." The psychological link between a certain form of childhood deprivation and extreme libertarianism awaits serious study.)
..."Your Life-Your Choices," was not deep-sixed as you claim by the Bush administration, it was re-issued several times. The Obama administration simply re-issued the booklet with updates to language inside, like any other yearly publication.
Pre-counseling veteran's returning from war with debilitating life long injuries to take note of depression and suicidal thoughts is not "a sharp kick?" towards government murder. It is a booklet to help prevent suicide, and to prepare soldiers who's conditions are life-long to make smart educated decisions about any future care like being kept alive on a feeding tube, or DNR orders on the operating table.
You are lying to anyone who reads this article for partisan political purposes. You are doing our soldiers a great disservice by unfairly painting a document provided for their and their families benefit as a government death squad. You are intellectually bankrupt, and morally specious.
...Getting counseling on how to protect yourself and ensure you own wishes and medical decisions is extremely important so as to EMPOWER patients to have control over their end of life care. The whole point is that countless people end up in situations where they have not made their wishes clear, which can be incredibly traumatic for their families. No one is trying to kill them off: they're trying to encourage people to think seriously about what they DO want, and make sure they've taken the steps to ensure it clearly.
Opportunistic harpies like Blackwell and Palin are using this issue to score cheap points at the expense of an actual and very serious issue. In the process they are going to leave a lot of people without clear directives, access to counseling, and so forth. It's absolutely disgusting.
- Reinstate the President's power of impoundment (removed in Budget Control Act of 1974). This would give similar power as a line-item veto, which Reagan was always asking for.
- Start an independent accounting board that would set the rules of accounting for the government. Give it the power to monitor programs and their cost effectiveness. Congress now monitors itself and this is the problem.
- Adopt a limit on total spending so that it could only increase with inflation and growth, unless 2/3 vote to suspend the limit in crisis situations. California had a law like this that they repealed in the early 90's and look what happened to them.
Families and Urbanism in Cincinnati