09 July 2008

City Home Starting

City Home Banner:

Sample proposed brickwork next to existing building to remain:

The three buildings that were demolished: From left to right, 1410, 1408, 1406 Pleasant last winter:

Same view today:

Rear of OTRCH offices

Pleasant Street garden (1412-16 Pleasant) last winter:
Demo site with OTRCH to right:

Pleasant Street, looking north from 14th last winter:

Similar view today:

Here is a photo I found in my archives, showing men working on the rear of 1408 Pleasant. To the left is 1406, and to the right is 1410. They had removed the rear wood portion of 1408 and planned on building a new addition to make a single family home. For some reason (I believe it was some hard headedness) the addition was never completed:


OTRFAN said...

well worn territory - but aren't we losing more & more OTR building stock a drip, drip, drip at a time? is it just me, or has the pace increased? Pleasant St. is plenty rough - and those buildings looked miserable, probably unsalvageable.. who owned/razed these? are we losing any buildings that we really shouldn't be? I love the activity, I love the energy and rehabbing, but maybe a little concerned about losing the character.??? Seems like every month or two one is torn down, burns, etc. I know there's lots of 'em, but jeez...

OTRFAN said...

okay - so I clicked the link and this looks like an exciting project - but I think I'm still concerned.

CityKin said...

I'd rather have them saved and integrated into the new project. It would make for a more interesting and more successful project IMO.

The pace of demolition in OTR is slower than it has been in the past decades, but it is still too much.

Anonymous said...

Every building lost in OTR I like OTR less. It HAS LOST ITS CHAACTER