23 July 2008

Abolish the Penny

For some reason, I am concerned about this mundane issue.

One solution to removal of the penny: make them worth 5 cents and quit minting nickels. Makes perfect cents.

We should abolish the penny. Make the nickel smaller than a dime. Shrink the quarter to nickel size, and quit printing paper one-dollar bills. The current dollar coins are too similar to the quarters, and no one uses them when paper is still offered.


scott d said...

works for me!

WestEnder said...

I once floated the idea of the negative penny, which would be worth minus one cent. I liked it because I always had a peeve for prices that end in .98 or .99

Somehow it never caught on.

5chw4r7z said...

Watching The Wire and all the cash floating around, I wonder what eliminating the dollar bill would do for the drug trade? Probably not much because nothing cost a dollar but large amounts of single dollars would be much heavier.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for eliminating the penny, but see no advantage to eliminating the paper dollar. I would rather they eliminated the 50 cent piece and made a coin dollar closer to that size.

Brad said...

just round down 1 2 3 6 and round up 4 7 8 9

VisuaLingual said...

In stores, I've sometimes had the experience of not getting all my change when there's a penny or two involved. I know that one cent is insignificant, but it drives me nuts when the transaction is inaccurate, especially if a store would potentially wind up with a bunch of extra pennies that are a significant sum.