Covington, KY-The Old Seminary Square Neighborhood Association will celebrate the holiday season by hosting a Christmas Walk on December 9, 2007 from 5-8 p.m. Sixteen homes and businesses will be fully decorated in holiday fashion. Ticket holders will visit the homes and enjoy refreshments and holiday music. The Holmes High School Choir will provide Christmas Carols. Old Seminary Square encompasses Russell Street North to South, 8th Street to 12th Street and East to West, the railroad to Bracken Court.
"Our historic neighborhood is so lovely at Christmastime and we want to share that with the community," said event organizer Linda Carter. "We are eager to open our homes so that others can enjoy the beauty and the flavor of the holiday season."
Recognized as a historic district, Old Seminary Square has retained much of its architectural integrity of the 19th century Victorian brick houses and row houses. In the late 1830s, the Western Baptist Education Society purchased 370 acres (1.5 km²), which would define Covington's southern boundary in 1841. On this tract, the organization established a seminary and set aside 22 acres for a cemetery, which in 1843 would become known as Linden Grove Cemetery. To raise money to build its campus, the Baptists entered into the real estate market, subdividing the land and selling lots around its campus and cemetery, an area now known as Old Seminary Square and the Westside.
The public is invited and tickets can be purchased the evening of the event for $15 per person at the Ashbrook house at Russell and West Robbins Streets. Proceeds from the event will benefit ongoing beautification efforts for the Seminary Square neighborhood association. Free parking is available at John G.Carlisle Elementary School.
Directions: I-75, exit on 12th Street (exit 191), East on 12th, left on Russell. Left on Robbins Street to school parking lot. For more information, contact Kathy Groob, 859-341-4278.
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
Thanks for posting this even! this is my neighborhood, our house is on the tour (1041 russell.) If you see me, please say hello. And thank you for coming and supporting our neighborhood. -Lauren (SAHM of 2)
I'll be there with Dave and Rachel, if you know them.
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