28 December 2007

Post Times Star


In honor of the last day of the Cincinnati Post publication Monday, I have scanned a front page of a October 13, 1928 Times Star newspaper that I found in an OTR building being rehabbed. The Times-Star was an afternoon paper that I believe was combined with the Post. I remember my neighbor as a child had a box out by his mailbox that said "Post Times-Star", which I suppose was the combined name for a while.

This paper has a couple of interesting items:
1. The lead article is about a Graf Zeppelin attempting to land at US Air Station at Lakehurst the next day. Nine years later, the Hindenburg would go down in flames at this same landing site.
2. The paper cost 2 cents per copy, 12 cents per week.
3. The weather is predicted to be "unsettled"
4. Six private bus companies were using fountain square as a stop, and the city was trying to get them to purchase a site for a bus terminal at 6th and Sycamore.
5. "Burglars entered a Kroger store at 507 Wade Street early Saturday and stole 175lbs of sugar, 40lbs of butter, and cigarettes worth $96.16. The burglars entered the basement and cut a hole in the floor to get into the store"
6. 35,000 Catholics from 100 Hamilton County parishes, are expected to march tomorrow in the Holy Name parade. The parade will start on upper Race Street and proceed south to 7th and then west to Redland field, where Archbishop McNicholas will give benediction. There is detail given about the re-routing of streetcars around the parade. The streetcar routes are familiar bus routes 17, 19 etc...

A fire in Mt. Adams:

Alfred Smith, Presidential Candidate in KY:

Black Republicans:

The first bookmobile:


Dan said...


I happened to look at the Times Star and Enquirer from May 5-6, 1889, on Saturday (I was doing research) and thought it was interesting that the big story in both papers appeared to be the premier of a production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Joe Wessels said...

That is really neat. Scripps, owners of The Post, bought the Times-Star in the late 1940s and then called it the Post-Times-Star until the early 1970s, I believe (doing that from memory of research I did about a year ago)... The Times-Star was owned by the Taft family. Originally they had the Cincinnati Times, and bought the Cincinnati Star to form the Cincinnati Times-Star.

Monday, no doubt, will be a sad day in Cincinnati as we bury three Cincinnati journalism traditions...

Cincinnati NAMjA said...

Wow...I love history like this.

Sometime we forget that African-Americans were traditionally Republican, just up until the New Deal in the 1930's.

Kevin LeMaster said...

You always find the coolest stuff!