01 October 2008

Register and Vote in OTR this Weekend


Board of Elections
824 Broadway, SECOND FLOOR, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Mondays: open until 9 p.m. on 10/6 and then until 8 p.m. the other October Mondays

NOTE: Even if you can’t get to the BOE by 10/6, you can still vote early from October 7th through November 3rd at their offices on 824 Broadway. Their hours are above. You must REGISTER by the 6th of October, however. Get your friends and family registered, too!

Saturday, October 4th : 7:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Monday, October 6th : 7:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

Bring identification and Meet at:
Hudson Bros. Cleaners, 1720 Elm Street
Tucker’s Restaurant, 1627 Vine Street

We will take you to the Board of Elections (824 Broadway, 2nd Floor) and people will be there to guide you to the registration and voting area. We will then take you back to Hudson Bros. or Tucker’s, if you wish.


Anonymous said...

I've never voted before... but I'm ready this year. After checking the SofS website, I'm registered on the Westside where I grew up. I now live downtown. How do I go about getting my polling location changed?

Anonymous said...

You'll be so kind to help me even if I'm not voting for Obama?

CityKin said...

If you're voting McCain and you cannot read the post above and garner that you can walk over to 824 Broadway anytime until the end of October 6th and fill out a registration card, then maybe you should continue your non-voting streak.

Anonymous said...

9:29 Anonymous was non me. I just didn't know if it required anything more or less than that since I was already registered locally and since I'm cutting it close wanted to be prepared.

CityKin said...

Its kinda hard keeping all you anonymous people straight!

Anonymous said...

Hah! I would make sure to sign my name as "Anonymous" if I was supporting Sarah Palin! Best of luck figuring out where the Hamilton County Board of Elections is to all of you anonymous people.

ekalb said...

Thanks for the post. I re-registered because of an address change. Monday, just at the deadline!