13 February 2008

Our Kitchen 5yrs Ago

This photo was taken five years ago, when we were rehabbing. If I had started a blog then it probably would have been about rehabilitating old buildings, not children and families. It is good for me to look at these sometimes and realize how far we have come:

An earlier shot of the same wall taken while using caustic chemicals to remove old paint. Paint removal was a huge undertaking:


VisuaLingual said...

Wow, I'm flabbergasted. The transformation is unbelievable!

CityKin said...

The south side was much worse. I'll have to show you sometime.

Anonymous said...

Do you still have the fireplace in your kitchen?

Anonymous said...

Do you still have the fireplace in your kitchen?

CityKin said...

^yes, but we don't use it.