Hmm, that's some interesting contrarian thinking. I especially appreciate the point about used versus new cars. To me, it seems that too much of "green thinking" is focused on proper shopping rather than less consumption. I know it all raises awareness, but a brand-new organic hemp t-shirt does less for the environment than simply buying one less t-shirt.
I so agree. I saw a t-shirt yesterday that said Green is the New Black. I found this hilarious -- buy this shirt to prove how green you are? And, here, buy this car -- it'll prove you're green, too. And this imprinted shopping bag! And here's a cutting board made from recycled plastic! And don't you need a new green home to store all your green stuff in?
The goal of this blog is to generate friendships and share information regarding the promotion and retention of families in the urban center of Cincinnati.
Hmm, that's some interesting contrarian thinking. I especially appreciate the point about used versus new cars. To me, it seems that too much of "green thinking" is focused on proper shopping rather than less consumption. I know it all raises awareness, but a brand-new organic hemp t-shirt does less for the environment than simply buying one less t-shirt.
I so agree. I saw a t-shirt yesterday that said Green is the New Black. I found this hilarious -- buy this shirt to prove how green you are? And, here, buy this car -- it'll prove you're green, too. And this imprinted shopping bag! And here's a cutting board made from recycled plastic! And don't you need a new green home to store all your green stuff in?
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