Here is a great place to visit now that the weather is turning. Union Terminal is home to Cincinnati Museum Center, which is the Children's Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Cincinnati History Museum,and the Omnimax Theater. Here are a few photos from a recent visit.
placed in service plaque:
Rookwood Tile in the Coffee Shop:
The natural history museum has a cave very similar to the cave that they had at their old location at Eden Park, but now they have real bats, and an ice cave. Their is a sandbox for little kids that has come in handy a few times in mid-winter.
But the building itself is also fun. There is the whispering drinking fountains and beautiful mosaics in the rotunda.
A spiral shell fossil, seen in the red marble of the walls:
We walked here from home. It is a 1.2 mile walk from Vine and Central Parkway to the Museum Center, which is a bit of a chore. I am finding that anything less than half a mile, we will do on any whim, because it is so easy. This will get us to most of downtown, though not to the riverfront. Longer than half a mile, and our chance of walking there drops precipitously. Walking alone at a fast pace, the time difference might be 15 minutes, but with kids and distractions, it can take up to an hour, which is a big dedication of time. I have tried the #1 bus, but it only runs once an hour, and it is hard to justify $8 to go 1.2 miles and back (two adults and two children, two ways). It is also no fun trying to get a stroller with a sleeping baby up the steps of the bus, only to be on the bus for a few minutes.
[Where: 1301 Western Avenue, Cincinnati,OH 45203]
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
This IS an amazing building. When I was a kid, I thought that Superman, Wonder Woman and all the other Super friends lived here because it resembled the Hall of Justice. I loved the building so much, in highschool, I convinced our school to have our Jr/Sr prom in the rotunda.
It is a very cool building. One of my favorites in the whole world.
I went to a dance there before the museums were in. It was held in the part where the Cincinnati History Museum is now, on the ramps. It was a lot of fun.
Union terminal is a treasure. And great pics too.
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