05 November 2007

Found Item - Nat Love Book

Found in Piatt Park. The cover caught my eye, and I thought it was a joke or something. But it turned out to be an interesting find.
The cover:


Title Page:

Captured by Indians:

From the introduction:
Nat Love was born a slave in 1854. He died in Los Angeles in 1921. While he had no early formal schooling, he learned to read and write well enough to turn out an account of his life, published in 1907. His message was that he had lived an exciting and happy life and was proud of it.

This re-write of the original autobiography was intended for children or young adults and was published in 1969. Just the history of how the book was published and re-written would make a good sociological study. But also would Nat's life story itself, embellished or not.

Update: Thanks to a commentor here is a link to the original Nat Love Autobiography


Anonymous said...

What an amazing find Mike!

University of North Carolina has scanned his book "The Life and Adventures of Nat Love" written by himself in 1907 at http://docsouth.unc.edu/

CityKin said...

Thanks Dave. The original looks pretty cool. I will read it when I get some time.