29 November 2007

Kid Play on CAC Curved Wall

Kids love running up this wall at the Contemporary Art Center.

But you are definitely not allowed to climb the wall inside, no matter how tempting:

[Where: 44 E. Sixth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202]


Mark Miller said...

Time to dust off the old skateboard! Looks like they intentionally placed a few obstacles on the flat part. Oh well, that will just make it interesting.

5chw4r7z said...

Have you ever watched the bike guys on that wall?
One night I was watching they were getting 10 12 foot off the ground. Almost scary to watch.

CityKin said...

I have not seen that.

Seems like they made something so inviting for kids, but then try to deny it. I remember Zaha Hadid, the architect, called this the "urban carpet".