[where: 1615 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202]
To the East, across Vine is the Elementary School and a residential building squeezed-in on the corner. The first floor storefront has The Canticle Cafe:

[where: 1600 Vine and 14 East Liberty, Cincinnati, OH 45202]
Here is the auditor's map of the corner. Notice that the south side of Liberty was widened and buildings removed, and thus the lot lines are still visible on the map:

Cincinnati's planners and traffic engineers saw nothing wrong with slicing away the south side of Liberty Street on the way to what they thought would be a crosstown expressway. I've come to the sad conclusion that traffic engineers are as large a barrier to the creation of good city life as social service agencies.
Wow, what a tranquil garden!
radarman; Liberty could be rebuilt as a boulevard, which would help heal the damage done years ago, but I think those attempts have been stalled by the same traffic engineers.
I think the problems with Liberty St. go WAY back. Open this link in a browser:
Click item 13 to bring up an 1838 map of Cincinnati from the Library of Congress. Navigate around to get acquainted.
Mike, you live across the street from what used to be the Presbyterian Burying Ground (see any ghosts in the park?). Eleventh or Canal St is now Central Parkway, and what we now call Liberty St used to be called Northern Row. The green line tells us it was the northern boundary of the City-proper.
As a corporation line, it would have been little more than an alley at that time. Indeed, it's one of the thinnest public ways shown on the whole old map. How it ever became a major through-fare from such humble beginnings is beyond me.
Anyway it's interesting to mosey through the the past.
I know it was the northern city limits at one time, and I guess it is a section line or some kind of significant suveying line that is laid out exactly East-West, off kilter from the rest of the city grid. It may have made sense to make this a through-way, since it went from one end of the basin to the other, but it was done in such a way that it really damaged the neighborhood and only facilitated faster cars.
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