The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
...Hammet has concluded that “most code is written to benefit cars. … Then you start to say, ‘Hey, this is kind of an emotional thing here. Where am I in this planning and zoning?’ “
Her response was “The Automobile Song (Car Tune),” about how a vehicle runs the driver’s life:
“I drive my car to all its favorite places/ I cannot wave at other people’s faces/ Because I’m here behind the tinted glass/ Because it likes to move so very fast/ We don’t go to the zoo or the ballet/ It likes a parking lot or the highway/ It likes the pavement underneath its wheels/ The grass or sandy beach has no appeal/ And when it’s ready for a little rest/ I fill it up with gasoline, high test/ And then I park it safe behind the walls/ Of its own palace, the Garage Mahal/ A-B-C-D-S-U-V, tell me what you think of me.”
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
That i one of the problems with our current socity. Technology (incluing automobiles) have made the world faster, leaving us less time to slowly enjoy the roses.
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