19 May 2009

Our Neighbors to the South

Kentucky Afield has some great down-home videos posted on YouTube. Here are two of my favorites.

The turtleman:

The Lardo and Burley river shack:


Mark Miller said...

I've seen noodling (for catfish) but the turtle thing was new even for me.

That shack idea is pure brilliance. I've been looking for a legal way to avoid property taxes. Anybody know where I can find a dozen 50' aluminum pontoons? It's going to suck not having a basement though.

Cincinnati NAMjA said...

OK...not all of us who were born in the south do this...

Quimbob said...

How many people are on that daggone boat ?

CityKin said...

Mark; I remember hearing that Ralph Nader lived on a boat in order to avoid paying taxes. You and Ralph have a lot in common.