Early supper tonight, and then out to play on the playground for an hour or so. IT was a beautiful evening, cool and deep blue sky. Lots of kids gathered at the playground with scooters and basketballs, picking flowers and playing chase.

Then back inside to a hot bath with lots of bubbles. With the windows open the sounds of early summer evening drifting in while the kids play battleship. There's nothing like a hot bath with the cool air coming in through the windows. Then talcum and pajamas, and a scoop of ice cream and settle down bedside to read a few books.

The kids were being so good today. School is almost done, and there is no homework. Even though it is cool, they can taste the long summer days starting. They are so happy. Good night kids. "Nite nite daddy, I love you".

So peaceful, I think I'll forgo my usual nightcap and try hot tea instead.
We are so lucky to have such beautiful kids and live in such a wonderful place, surrounded by such lovely neighbors.
It truly was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I believe there's another one on board for today. Enjoy...:>)
Evenings like these are what memories are made of!
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