09 January 2009

Muppet Show

One of the best purchase I ever made for the kids was the old Muppet Shows on DVD. We just watched the Elton John episode, and it was fun:


Barry Floore said...

That was fun :-).

bsherm said...

That's the only TV our guy has seen to date. I was disappointed that they stopped the pop up trivia options after the season 1 DVDs. It was great to get details on when they aired and behind the scenes.

CityKin said...

What no Barney?

That's one success in our household: the TV is very minimal. Less successful keeping them off the computer though..

Cincinnati NAMjA said...

This show was way ahead of its time.

bsherm said...

@citykin I once made the mistake of saying Barney was evil in earshot of my niece. She had a little talk with me. I was very specific in my apology that I should not have SAID he was evil. Luckily I think it has died down enough that he will NEVER know of the purple dinosaur.

We will make LOTS of mistakes, but Barney will not be one of them!