08 January 2009

Coleman Asks Obama for Rail Funding

Today, the mayor of Columbus attended a conference to watch Obama's stimulus speech and penned a letter asking for $200 million to fund their "Regional Rail Project". What has Mallory asked for?


Randy Simes said...

That's great that they seem to really have a plan of action for what they want to do. I like that they're converting one-way streets into two-way streets (something that couldn't work in Cincy), making "green" upgrades, and proposing several transportation system improvements.

Anonymous said...

The Enquirer ran a short notice/overview of his requests about a month ago. All I remember was a reference to tennis courts.

DP said...

I would interpret the list of Cincinnati projects included in the US Conference of Mayors "MainStreet Economic Recovery" report to be Mallory's request list.

But you won't find any city-shaping proposals in there. Over half of the $250M requested is for water projects. I'm sure they're needed, but they certainly lack the "magic to stir men's blood."

columbus exile said...

I hate to say it but they really don't have a plan. The streetcar/light rail thing in the dispatch is no where near ready to go. Its more like they made it on the back of a cocktail napkin.

Unless the project is 'shovel ready' it can't qualify for funding so this was a non-starter. Good media work by Coleman but that's about it.

We are much farther away from getting ours off the ground then Cincy.