This blog started two years ago with four January posts. Kind of inauspicious.
I am happy with the direction of the blog, and only hope to have more original writing, especially focusing on some individual families, and how they are coping with urban Cincinnati. I think as people get more comfortable with putting themselves out there for the public (like on Facebook), they will be more comfortable with their photos and stories online. I know that I am getting more comfortable, but it has taken a while for some of us stuck in our old ways.
I like blogs that have several posts a day. To that end, I am very happy to have some co-bloggers to keep things moving here, and I also like that we keep things pretty positive despite our differences. If you want anti-everything and divisiveness, then you have plenty of options elsewhere.
If I'm reading the Google Analytics report right, we steadily get 150 individual viewers a day and about 2,500 a month. Sometimes we will get close to 300 viewers in a day. For example the inaugural Lego posting got tons of views. (good job Mark). Once in a blue moon, we will have a post that gets tons of visits. This happened when I had the Huckabee Christmas card juxtaposed to the Obama Christmas card a year ago, and some with easily googleable titles continue to get daily hits like Graphs, Pie Charts and the Economy. But those are not the direction I want to go. I am more interested in the local, urban, Cincy family stuff, and will try to keep focused in that direction.
Thank you for visiting, and please comment. ...Or email if you want to co-blog.
Italian Gilt Bronze Clock
3 weeks ago
This is required reading. It has been good from the beginning. Well done.
Happy anniversary! That's a lot of committment--a lot of days I'm not sure I want to continue with mine.
Want to get some info to you about a Mardi Gras party at Findley Market on the 22nd of Feb. That's a Sunday. I'll write it down so I don't forget and send you a comment soon.
Congratulations, Mike (and co-bloggers)!
Kudos CityKin - one of my favs. Keep up the great writing, imagery!
I am glad to see so many Downtown bloggers have hung in there so long!
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