So far Balumanaria and Light Up The Square have come and gone. We missed Light Up the Square but I heard it was packed and a good time. On Saturday we made it to 63rd Annual Holiday Train Display at The Duke Energy building. This was always one of my favorites as a kid. I seem to recall a lot more options downtown then. I vaguely remember The Enchanted Forest that Pogue's erected in the Carew Tower (not sure when that ended, early 80's?), as well as a number of others around downtown. But this one is still going strong. It will continue through December 31st (closed on Christmas).
Another event on our list is the Zoo's Festival of Lights. I have not been in years, but it is amazing what an 18-month old and Zoo membership will do about your priorities. A quick look on the site did not state an end date, but I believe it goes through very early January.
So what is on your list of "must-dos" for the Holiday season?
I'm guessing that Luminaria is this Saturday; here are some photos from the event three years ago.
Sorry to say there is no Luminaria in Washington Park this year. We hope to re-start it after the park reconstruction.
St. Francis Seraph is currently building a structure at Vine and Liberty for their first ever nativity with live animals. It won't start for a few weeks, and I'll put a post up later with more detail.
Our favorite is the ice-skating. We do it often in Dec and January every year.
Also, the Santa at Tower Place is one of the best ever. Same guy every year.
I enjoy the Krohn Conservatory this time of year with thier live animal nativity seen in the yard.
The train display is always a must. We'll also head to Macy's for pictures with Santa for my nephew. Two other musts are the Festival of Lights at the Zoo and Krohn Conservatory for their holiday display.
Damn it, they take away Luminaria and give us a Segway-riding Santa? To whom do I address my letter of complaint?
There is this happening next Saturday...
The Underground RR Freedom Center has Holiday Jubilee that I have heard is good, but never been:
"Choirs from all around the city will be performing holiday music throughout the day on December 6, 7, and 13, 11-5pm. Holiday Jubilee has been held at the Freedom Center for the past three years and is becoming a special tradition. ...admission to the Freedom Center is FREE on all Holiday Jubilee concert dates."
There is carol singing at Music Hall each year that other parents have told me about, but I have never gone.
Also, the Boar's Head at the Presbyterian Cathedral is supposed to be spectacular.
A Christmas Carol at the Playhouse in the Park.
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