Great video explaining the bike paths in New York City. The paths range from Class 1 which is a protected path separated from traffic with parked cars, to Class 3 which is a smaller, shared street. I have heard from associates in NYC that the pedestrian and bike friendly redesign that is expanding all over Manhattan is making the streets much more usable.
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
I got to see these in person over the summer and I was extremely impressed with how well their system works. There were all sorts of people using them at all hours of the day and night.
The best part was that many of the paths are actually located between parked cars and the side walk, so the parking spots are actually kind of hanging out into traffic and the bike lanes are completely protected on both sides by a sidewalk on the right and parked cars on the left.
Those NYC bike lanes have me green with envy! I am a little surprised, though, to see so many riders without helmets.
It seems like a lot of work for not much benefit.
per Cincinnati - How much of Cincinnati is like Manhattan, anyway ?
The riders without helmets are the ones who wish they were in Amsterdam or some other city where cycling is as normal as walking.
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