19 March 2009

Rookwood Pottery New Home

Rookwood Pottery has almost completed renovations to the old Catanzaro warehouse buildng on Race Street, about a block north of Findlay Market. I couldn't stay for the tour, but they had an open house yesterday, and the operation is impressive. The guy doing this, Chris Rose, is a visionary: 
[where: 1920 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202]

Update: an advert from an 1921 architectural magazine:: "ROOKWOOD Makers of Artistic Pottery and Tiles Call upon our agent in your locality or write for illustrated matter THE ROOKWOOD POTTERY Co Tile Department CINCINNATI OHIO Illustration above shows detail of an organ screen executed in colored mat glazes "


Randy Simes said...

Lookin' good...this will be a great addition to that part of OTR for sure.

Paul Wilham said...

Rookwoed located in OTR is such a positive thing for the area and the city.

VisuaLingual said...

Finally! Is there going to be a store or showroom as part of this new facility?

CityKin said...

^I'm sure something like that is in the long-term plan.