Here is a guy, who for fun, ranks Ohio public schools. For what its' worth:
(Click for larger view)
Walnut Hills: 114.8
Clark Montes: 105.9
SCPA : 100.8
RA Taft Tech: 99.0
West Side Mon: 97.7
Dater HS: 97.6
Schroeder Pad: 97.6
Withrow: 95.0
Western Hills: 90.2
Ohio Largest Districts Compared
Here is a PDF of the full report.
Also, here is an article from a few months ago about the possible changing of "No Child Left Behind":
...the past eight years should leave us wary of relying solely on isolated test results for high-stakes decision-making. She isn't against tests per se—or even tests being used as one element in a more comprehensive evaluation system. Schools have to have some way of judging performance... astonishing 83 percent of charter schools were either no better or actually worse than traditional public schools serving similar populations. Indeed, the authors concluded that bad charter schools outnumber good ones by a ratio of roughly 2 to 1.
...The dirty dark secret of NCLB is that we may know how to identify the worst performing schools, but no one (yet) knows how to turn them around in any consistent and reliable way. And I mean no one. Not the Gates Foundation to date. Not most charter programs. No one.
... "The only guaranteed strategy [for improving schools] is to change the student population, replacing low-performing students with higher-performing students." And this is, in fact, what the rare success stories—like KIPP—typically do: skim off the best and most motivated students from disadvantaged neighborhoods....
...In the 1950s, smart women, except for truly determined trailblazers, had few professional options beyond teaching. Ditto for blacks and other minorities. If you had a particularly smart and ambitious daughter, people would say, "I bet she grows up to be a teacher!" While many things have happened to public schools over the last 50 years, one of the most important is that this low-cost captive labor pool of extremely talented men and women has evaporated completely—and along with it the respect that was once automatically accorded to those who entered the profession...
...trying to evaluate teachers solely on the basis of crude standardized tests is too reductive and will likely only alienate the kind of creative, dynamic people the profession hopes to attract in greater numbers. But the question remains: How do we lure more, talented people to the profession and give them—and the many superb teachers who already exist—the support and respect they deserve? For all its faults, if NCLB has done nothing else, it's helped to clarify this challenge.
EXCEPTIONAL post and right on the money
Why do you think classrooms are more suited to females than males?
Not surprised to see Walnut on top. I've often said Walnut's probably been more effective at keeping middle-class families in the city proper than most of the efforts of city planners and the like.
Blue Ash Mom
Leonard Sax agrees with you about classrooms and gender. I've read his book and heard him speak. His findings are controversial but worth knowing.
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