Car kills boy walking home from school
Funeral services have been scheduled Sept. 11 for Devar Johnson, 8, who died after being hit while walking home from school Sept. 3 in East Price Hill.
The accident, which occurred near the busy intersection of Glenway and Grand avenues, remains under investigation. Neighbors said the driver, Yolanda Washington, 24, said her brakes failed.
Metro bus rolls and kills nurse
A worker helping a disabled student from an ambulance into Woodward High School was killed Monday morning when a parked Metro bus rolled 30 feet down a driveway in the parking lot and struck her.
Skateboarder killed by car
MIAMI TOWNSHIP -- A Loveland teenager skateboarding on Paxton Road was struck and killed just before midnight Friday, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol.
Woman charged for hit and run:
A woman has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident that killed a 3-year-old boy in Logan Township in southeast Indiana.
The Dearborn County Prosecutor’s Office announced Friday that Christie Shackleford Grammer, 31, has been charged with felony failure to stop after an accident resulting in death.
The boy, Jack Carpenter, was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, which happened around 1:30 p.m. Tuesday on North Dearborn Road between Henderson and Dearborn roads.
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
We passed the make-shift memorial at Grand and Glenway last night and wondered who it was for.
I also read the story of the hit & run in Indiana a few days ago. According to the story I read, the woman who hit the boy turned herself in a few days ago, claiming she had been in the area and that her vehicle matched the description, but she wasn't aware she had hit the boy. If she's telling the truth, I can't imagine the devastation at discovering you'd been a part of such a terrible accident.
In fact, the word "terrible" doesn't describe it...
We can get so used to driving that it seems commonplace. We forget how dangerous cars are and how much destruction they can cause in an instant.
One more reason to pursue a pedestrian lifestyle.
Not certain what your point here is. Sounds like it's dangerous for children to play near the street, to skateboard at midnight and for adults to drive 2 tons of a lethal weapon without working brakes.
All are extemely sad, but believe there is an element of human decision making involved.
There are good reasons to stop calling these events accidents and start calling them crashes, and a number of newspapers have gotten that message.
^My point is this:
This is just one typical weeks worth of local news. Cars are heavy and fast and are hazardous to everyday human interactions and slight driver mistakes can cause havoc to innocent bystanders. They make our most common public spaces (streets) an ugly and dangerous place to be near. They may be necessary and have many benefits, but we seem to accept the negatives as natural and unchangeable, when they are not. That's all.
I was just thinking about this issue yesterday.
For Ohio in 2009, there were 1021 traffic fatalities,including 85 pedestrian fatalities.
It makes me sick how every time a car kills someone, people come out of the woodwork to defend and justify the car.
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