UPDATE: OK, I googled it and found out there is a path dedicated to Wally Pagan, President of Southbank Partners, who helped open the Purple bridge to pedestrians. Not sure which path is his though.
The Pagan Path is the narrow walkway suspended between the span that used to be the road (downriver) and the span that used to carry the railroad tracks (upriver). There's a small plaque identifying Pagan's Path on the Newport side of the bridge.
The goal of this blog is to generate friendships and share information regarding the promotion and retention of families in the urban center of Cincinnati.
The Pagan Path is the narrow walkway suspended between the span that used to be the road (downriver) and the span that used to carry the railroad tracks (upriver). There's a small plaque identifying Pagan's Path on the Newport side of the bridge.
Thanks, I was guessing that might be it.
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