16 November 2009

Camping Out for 48hrs

Parents began a line/campground Sunday evening at Fairview and other CPS schools. Fairview will begin accepting applications Tuesday night at midnight. During dinner with a good friend Sunday he recieved a text message that the line had started to form. He left the supper immediately and is about #40 in line. Unfortunately he must miss 2 days of work to make this happen. There musst be a better way:


Archer01 said...

Don't they usually give out vouchers or numbers to people to mark thier place in line, in situations like this? It's almost as if they don't want it to be too easy. Only the ones who want it bad enough to make the sacrifice can get a spot, huh? Hmmmmm....

McEwan said...

I have serious mixed feelings about this method... We haven't decided what we're going to do with our kids in a few years (probably homeschool), but I hope that if we put them in the public schools, something has changed by then. My thought: what about single parents or those who work night shifts? How hard should they have to work to get their kids into solid schools? Hmpf. I'm not sure...