29 May 2011

The Ugliest Building in Downtown Cincinnati

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a wider view puts this building in context, just south of the Courthouse!


Quimbob said...

be nice

VisuaLingual said...

Oh, geez... This is one of those funky, small downtown buildings that I've fantasized about owning. Sure, it's odd and maybe ugly, but I think could be made charming with the right vision, and I like it that its scale seems like it could work for our needs. Okay, it most likely won't happen, but still...

CityKin said...

Small is it's one redeeming quality.

5chw4r7z said...

I can't picture where its at. Where is it?

Jeffrey Jakucyk said...

Ugly yes, but the position of the windows give it an anthropomorphic quality that's actually somewhat endearing.

Anonymous said...

Shouldnt that title belong to the Hotel across from the Cincinnatian (4 stories of brick facade?!?)

5chw4r7z said...

AH, yeah. When I rode the #39 I used to pick it up there.
Its invisible after the first I looked at it.