I did some detective work.Sanborn map says it was the Charles Moser Co. Paint Factory and Warehouse.From 215-227 East 9th st.Also on the Cincinnati Historical Society Library website in their photograph selection.....if you look at the pics for the Second National Bank Building,there are three of them, two from 1914 and one from 1911.For the 1911 pic if you enlarge it (enlarge by 400%)....you can see plain as day your GHOST SIGN...."PAINTS"...on the side of this same building,probably not many years old at the time of the pic was taken. Pretty cool its still there 100 YEARS Later.Just thot you might appreciate the info.....apparently I have too much time on my hands.
The goal of this blog is to generate friendships and share information regarding the promotion and retention of families in the urban center of Cincinnati.
I think you're encroaching on my territory, buddy.
I also have a lot of ghost sign pics but I am afraid to post them!
I did some detective work.Sanborn map says it was the Charles Moser Co. Paint Factory and Warehouse.From 215-227 East 9th st.Also on the Cincinnati Historical Society Library website in their photograph selection.....if you look at the pics for the Second National Bank Building,there are three of them, two from 1914 and one from 1911.For the 1911 pic if you enlarge it (enlarge by 400%)....you can see plain as day your GHOST SIGN...."PAINTS"...on the side of this same building,probably not many years old at the time of the pic was taken. Pretty cool its still there 100 YEARS Later.Just thot you might appreciate the info.....apparently I have too much time on my hands.
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