06 April 2010

Detroit Demo Map

Last Wednesday, Mayor Bing announced a list of residential buildings to be demolished:


Randy Simes said...

Goodbye Detroit. Nice to know you.

Unknown said...

Demo the city but keep the airport hub?

McEwan said...

Holy crap.

Dave said...

Sometimes one door has to close before another opens....All the best to the new D!

Anonymous said...

There's one marvelous street in downtown Detroit though -- the Heidelberg Project. It's a block-long outsider art installation. The buildings are painted and decorated, the empty lots full of sculptures. I hope this link works:


Blue Ash Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh foof, the link didn't work, and I don't know how to make it work. You'll just have to google Heidelberg Project on your own.

Blue Ash Mom

Kirsten said...

has anyone heard about Detroit's plan for these vacant lots? A few people have informed me that the city plans on turning their vacant parcels into farmland. Meaning there will be farmland in between the urban core and the suburbs. If that is true, it's great to see Detroit looking for unconventional, creative solutions to its massive problems.