23 August 2009

Market Busy

I don't usually go to Findlay Market on Saturdays, but had to stop by yesterday, and I was surprised at how crowded it was:


VisuaLingual said...

That's amazing to see, and I am happy that Findlay's been so busy. Unfortunately, it just makes me even more determined to never go there on weekends! All that social/competitive shopping is too much for me.

CityKin said...

We've been trying to support the farmers that show up on Tuesday since it is their newest day open and the market management makes Satrurday farmers commit to comming Tuesdays.

VisuaLingual said...

Yes, I consider shopping there on weekdays to be my civic duty [really, though, I just prefer to avoid the crowds].

John Schneider said...

Needs the streetcar. Otherwise, Findlay's business will eventually hit the wall.