"There are those in our society and political leadership who have given up on public education, and they really don't believe that public schools ought to have a special place within our social structure," Strickland said in a recent interview in Toledo.
Reflecting the demand of some parents to get their children out of public schools, about 76,000 students attend charter schools in Ohio, and annual growth rates have been in double digits since the first charter school opened in Ohio in 1998.
News Media Continues to Fail Cincinnati
1 week ago
Charter Schools are public education. Just by a new group like a 100 years ago.
Whats the problem?
I am FOR choice. Lack of choice in schools leads to more segregated cities and neighborhoods. If the schools do not offer choice, the parents will "choose" by moving to a good district or good neighborhood school.. at least if they can afford to move.
My problem is with the shrinking public school budget. My family "chose" Cincinnati Public Schools, but they keep cutting teachers because the operating budget is shrinking. Part of the cut is due to the money being allocated to Charter Schools.
Also, I would have a hard time sending my child to a school in which the teachers did not earn a living wage.
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