03 January 2011

Fire on New Years Eve

This building was engulfed in fire Dec 31, 5:30 am. The interior had been gutted of plaster, and the wood was dry and very combustible. Cause is undetermined, but this is located right behind the roughest part of Vine Street, the 1600 block, and it is likely that someone broke in so they could shoot-up or sleep inside.
[where: 1616 Pleasant Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202]

Click on photos for larger views:

Fire still smoking at about 10am:
Burned building, later that day, with Greg Spring, the city's favorite demolition contractor fast at work. Note they also demoed the short building to the north, 1618 Pleasant:
The odd, one-story, zee-brick building, 1618 Pleasant Street from a few years ago. 1616 is just south across Levi Alley
Picture of area 2 years ago. Only the top of 1616 Pleasant is visible in this photo, as it is set-back from the street by a few feet:

From the auditor's website, here is a photo of 1616 Pleasant 10 years ago, when it was last occupied. It is the red building on the left.

2009 auditor's photo

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