For example, on Saturday, we accidentally happened upon an advent celebration at Nast Trinity UMC, which is a church that for some reason, I rarely get inside of. The kids met a Santa there, and had pizza and sang carols. As we were leaving, we saw dozens of Santas on Vine Street.
Later that day we saw the Queen City Concert Band perform a free Christmas concert at Memorial Hall.
My wife went to the new shoe repair store on Vine, and the owner said he is buying Al Rohs' key making machine, so that he can continue offering that service to the neighborhood.
Sunday at noon, we were at Just Crepes. My son wolfed down his food and walked out the door. A woman nearby, dressed in Bengal gear, worried that I would lose my son, came over and told me that my son was outside. I assured her that he was fine, and we talked for a bit about their visit to downtown and how they lost their son once at the State Fair years ago.
While watching kids skate at Fountain Square, I met the guy who started Tom + Chee, and he said he is setup to start making mac and cheese and meatloaf on his refurbished stove next week. He has a great entrepreneurial spirit, standing in a freezing tent all day selling $2 hot cocoas and $3 tomato soups (which are excellent).
Sunday just kept getting colder and colder, and it seemed like a blizzard as we left for home. The kids were excited thinking that maybe school would be cancelled. No such luck.
Photos from cell phone this weekend:
Out of Mulberry Street, Jacob Riis book seen at library:
Pipes & valves look like they're galvanized. In early to mid 1900's, that was common for domestic water. Gas piping of that era was usually black iron with bronze valves. And yet it's clearly connected in the old main valve and pilot cock configuration. Am I just fooled by the color?
Not a shabby way to spend a weekend! It sounds like all of it was on foot, too.
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