Cool cartoon! I've been collecting a lot of "city bad, suburbs good" ephemera lately, like 1950s-era real estate ads that glorify the suburban lifestyle, and planning documents advocating the suburbanization of central cities.
Anyhow, I hate posting like this, but your linkroll is missing Cyburbia ( It's the Internet's oldest urban planning-related Web site, and still going strong after 15 years. I have to constantly remind people that there's more than just the LA-based planning site out there - google "urban planning", and we're uauallyt 2nd or 3rd.
The goal of this blog is to generate friendships and share information regarding the promotion and retention of families in the urban center of Cincinnati.
If only planning could be so easy!
I really think planning is easy. The only difference from business as usual, is that we need time to think before taking decisions.
Cool cartoon! I've been collecting a lot of "city bad, suburbs good" ephemera lately, like 1950s-era real estate ads that glorify the suburban lifestyle, and planning documents advocating the suburbanization of central cities.
Anyhow, I hate posting like this, but your linkroll is missing Cyburbia ( It's the Internet's oldest urban planning-related Web site, and still going strong after 15 years. I have to constantly remind people that there's more than just the LA-based planning site out there - google "urban planning", and we're uauallyt 2nd or 3rd.
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