Encasement of rail slab with plastic to prevent stray current
Found at Water Works Association website: PDF
Sample of Google Streetview find:
Electric Manhole by Tracks
from that article:
"We’ve already gotten one very angry call asking why we didn’t quote more people sympathetic to Duke.
Believe me, we called lots of people. And we talked to representatives of other utilities, too. It’s just that they didn’t agree with Duke, either."
Meanwhile the Fishwarp tells us the biggest benefitter from the federal stimulus money in our area was (surprise) Duke.
"The largest single local stimulus spending item was $203 million set aside for Duke Energy’s installation of “smart “meters” in Southwest Ohio. It also made Duke the sixth largest recipient of stimulus money in Ohio and the largest private recipient in the state.
Read more: http://www.urbanohio.com/forum2/index.php/topic,18957.16590.html#ixzz1n7kGDunl
Portland has solved streetcar/utility trouble through cooperation
Business Courier by Lucy May
Despite the fact that the city of Cincinnati broke ground on its $110 million streetcar project last week, there are still plenty of people locally who wonder if the project is ever going to happen.
That’s largely because of the stance Duke Energy Corp. has taken on its gas, electric and chilled water lines that must be moved as part of the project. Duke says those utilities should be at least eight feet away from the streetcar rails and that it will cost at least $18.7 million to move the lines out of the way. And, here’s the most important part, Duke argues that the company’s ratepayers shouldn’t have to cover those costs.
The city of Cincinnati, on the other hand, maintains that a three-foot buffer is plenty between the rail lines and the utilities. The city doesn’t have an estimate for how much that would cost, but city officials have budgeted $6 million to move Duke’s utilities and would like the company to help pay some of the costs, too.
Read more: http://www.urbanohio.com/forum2/index.php/topic,18957.16590.html#ixzz1n7lXoOki
Italian Gilt Bronze Clock
4 weeks ago
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