The following articles were found in the Cincinnati Enquirer while searching for history of 1218-1222 Race Street.
1222 Race, a 3 story building with a dance hall on the top floor was known as Park Hall. 1218 Race is a one-story building that was an accessory to this and was known as Rudolph Gohs Beer Hall.
Mr. Chas. Kracke, the well-known painter had quite a peculiar experience last Tuesday morning, in company with A. Middendorf Jr., Joseph Joskem and Edward Tepe. They all attended a ball given at Washington Park Hall Monday evening, dancing all night, and at 6 o’clock in the morning, after participating in the last dance, they all went over to Goh’s saloon, at the corner of Thirteenth and Race, where they had several rounds of drinks. Middendorf proposed to take a ride, which seemed to satisfy the rest of the boys. After hitching up his father’s horse and wagon, he drove back to the saloon. All seated themselves on the front seat of the wagon save Kracke, who took a chair put in the rear part of the wagon, and after being seated awhile he went sound to sleep. Middendorf commenced to drive the horse at a terrible speed down Race Street. Arriving at the canal bridge he ran the wagon against the railing. This caused Mr. Kracke to fall out of the wagon upon the icy street at full length, but this did not wake him up.
Middendorf kept on driving, until finally Ed Tepe discovered that Krackewas not in the wagon, and looking around, he noticed some one lying in the middle of the street. Middendorf turned the horse and drove back. Joskem and Tepe the in the meanwhile got off the wagon and ran over the bridge, and to their horror they discovered the the mand was Kracke. They picked him up and placed him back in the wagon, thinking that he was seriously hurt. They took him to a neighboring drug store, and after several doses of brandy he revived. He was but slightly injured.
-Cincinnati Enquirer January 17, 1892, p 13
The masquerade ball of the Center Baseball Club will be held on Thursday evening at the Washington Park Hall, lower hall. If the gas is not in use by then they will use electric and calcium lights. There will be two handsome prizes given – one for the best masked lady and one for the most comical. The Centers will have a meeting to-day at three o’clock at 176 Vine Street.
-The Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday February 19th, 1883, p12
The Jefferson Club has completed all its arrangement for the inaugural trip. The committee has secured the Fourth Battalion Military Band – twenty pieces – to accompany the club on its trip to Columbus. Captain Breining will drill the boys again at Goh’s Hall on Race Street next Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The prospects are that the club will have about 300 men in line. The club’s headquarters at Columbus will be Freech’s Hall.
-The Cincinnati Enquirer December 28, 1889, p8
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